Sunday, April 22, 2007

My Yoga Room

I finished my Yoga Room today. With the exception of curtins - I can't, just can't put the blinds back up it would just be wrong!

For a room devoid of furniture, I find myself wanting to just "be" in there.

I used shades of green and kept the closet doors dark, as my daughter had when it was her room (navy blue for her!). The walls are decorated with traditional yoga decorations: a lotus blossom and an om symbol (Sanskrit for "God").

I have a ceramic piece from the Dayton Peace Museum, blessed dirt from my church in DesMoines (from the remodel), a cross from Notre Dame, a Buddha candle holder, religious figurines from various Eastern religions, a Mezzuzah (Jewish door amulet) from the Washington, D.C. Holocast Museum, a scallop shell (symbolic of my upcoming trip on the El Camino de Santiago).

This room is so very very me (and a little bit more).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this is a beautiful space mom. Laura