Monday, January 29, 2007

One Ringy Dingy, Two Ringy Dingy

I'm LMAO this evening. I've made and received several calls to and from friends tonight and last night. Funny thing though - the one person who has promised to call hasn't - for several days actually Nope, nada, not a dingaling. That just cracks me up. I think my firends and family are actually psychic though because my phone doesn't normally ring of the hook.

Some have called to see what I've been up to. One I called to share some sad news about a former manager we worked for. One called to talk about my party the other night. One asked me to dinner last night. There are more, their purpose not primary. It just goes to show you that the sum of it all is that I'm so very, very loved.

And the cats have been cuddle wuddles too.

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