If you know me, you know this. If you don't know me here is Lesson #1. I am a Fanilow. It isn't a closet addiction - I'll tell anyone.
Most recently I attended Barry's show in Las Vegas during the PBS Special taping. 3rd row. I'm going back next month for my birthday, April 26. I have a 2nd row seat. This will be my 17th or 18th concert of his. A little trivia - the first concert I attended in Red Rocks, Colorado had a ticket price of $12.50. I have attened his concerts in Red Rocks, Denver, Portland, Puyallup, Seattle, Salt Lake City and Las Vegas. A couple of years ago I hopped a plane and attended in Phoenix - life goal #32 fulfilled.
My hope upon hope - to meet Barry next month. I could scratch off life goal #101.
Thank you Barry for all the variety and memories.
Your #1 Fan!