Friday, January 09, 2015

Not a resolution

I signed up for Nutrisystem today. Not because it's the new year and I need to change some things. I did it because I've known for a month I needed to tackle my weight A-GAIN and with willing my trousers to latch this morning.

Why Nutrisystem? Because I'm getting lazy in my old age. I don't want to think about what I have to gather and cook and have ready in case I get hungry. I want it done for me. So in a few days a box will arrive on my doorstep and I will pull out gallon sized baggies and bag up each day's worth of food and play meal roulette each day. A new way to approach it all.

I looked into them years ago. I couldn't afford the program. Now I can. Now it will probably save me money. I don't have to feed myself and my family. Just me.

I can pop four or five of the buggers in my suitcase and eat my way through - without having to seek out a grocery store - much. I should probably check into what I need to have in my suitcase for the extra, fresh stuff. Sometimes hotel access to real food is a challenge.

I love CarbBusters, but I just don't feel like working that hard. And once that fad (it's really good eating) passed, Health Magazine discontinued supporting it or it's app (which I purchased). They never corrected the measurement typos I let them know about. Onwards and upwards eh? Pun intended.

I used to be able to live on coffee and drop the weight. Can't do that any more either - my stomach grew vocal chords and my personality harbors a monster who magically appears whenever I get hungry.

Costa Rica in March? I'll figure that out in March.

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