Monday, April 30, 2007
For A Monday
But I had was a peaceful day. I got a lot of work done at work and at home, yoga, a good start on the week.
I'm thankful for every day, whatever it serves up to me. But I'm grateful that life allows me to keep moving forward and feeling loved and loving towards whatever comes my way. For a Monday that's pretty darn good. I consider it a success!
In The Pink
(P.S. Laura, I know you helped!)
You Do The Math
In looking through my photos - I really, really, really, need to order some prints. I have a lot of memories to capture and I have some really awesome daughters and grandkids to tout.
No More I Love You's
I used to be lunatic from the gracious days
I used to be woebegone and so restless nights
My aching heart would bleed for you to see
Oh but now...
(I don't find myself bouncing round whistling
and fortunes to make me cry)
No more "I love you's"
The language is leaving me
No more "I love you's"
Changes are shifting outside the word
(The lover speaks about the monsters)
I used to have demons in my room at night
Desire,despair,desire,so many monsters
Oh but now...
(I don't find myself bouncing round whistling
and fortunes to make me cry)
No more "I love you's"
The language is leaving me
No more "I love you's"
The language is leaving me in silence
No more "I love you's"
Changes are shifting outside the word
They were being really crazy
They were on the come.
And you know what mammy?
Everybody was being really crazy.
Uh huh.
The monsters are crazy.
There are monsters outside.
No more "I love you's"
The language is leaving me
No more "I love you's"
The language is leaving me in silence
No more "I love you's"
Changes are shifting outside the word
Outside the word
Annie Lennox
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Wonderfulest Weekend
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Tiara-ed and Feathered
Next week I promise you a birthdy blog and pictures!
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Beautiful Day
No ambiguity, no false hopes, no let downs. Not one.
The irony is not lost on me - the symptoms and the correlations to dates. Yes, lightening does strike twice in the same place. But the second time it hits, one knows how to deal with it. As to the dates - I can smile at Karma - she's got this down pat. One of these days, we'll do lunch.
Monday, April 23, 2007
Getting Stronger
Yes I know....if He leads you to it, He'll lead you through it. On this I have never ever wavered.
This year we're embracing my new found love of sushi and my forever fondness of Japanese food. My ex-mother-in-law, Ruth, used to always take me to a Japanese Restaurant in Sukura Square in Denver. So a long tradition is revived in a new way.
Thanks Mom for making me!
The most important history is the history we make today.
Make today count for yourself and someone else!
Sunday, April 22, 2007
Coming Home

My Yoga Room
Saturday, April 21, 2007
1st Hike
I compared the walk today with other trips I've taken up there. The trees were budding. The river started rushing louder and I looked up to see rain clouds over some of the peaks. Probably a combination of a warming day and the precipitation.
I was tempted to head off trail, but was leery because of the threat of rain. I knew on the mountain it could easily become snow.
Monday, April 16, 2007
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Jules - I Did It!
I Have The Best Life
Congratulations Baby!
I'm so happy for the three of you! Neither of you could have picked a better partner :-)
Not The Traction I Wanted
I wanted to finish my project today.
1st delay - Spent night at friend's - almost all nighter - yak yak yak. Early start OK. There could be worse things than having fun!
2nd delay - Note to self on mirror: Tires. Drop top, pile regular tires in Miata, bungee to everything and theaten their possible mutiny. Wait, wait, wait. Haul snow tires home.
3rd delay - Storing tires. Decide to put them in a different place. Find that cabinet in storage room that is full of paint and chemicals is damn near at a 45 degree angle. The bottom, due to all the snow this winter, is now deterioriated. Not only do I not have something small enough to prop under the front (however I did get that little piece of wood of the rafters quite cleverly). I had no place to put the parts had I dismatled it (like a Miata going to the dump with a bunch of rotting lumber is going to work- and oh yeah it's Sunday).
4th delay - Brittle emotions. Tired of quiet house and doing my project alone. I do NOT want this one to stretch out and go unfinished.
5th delay - I don't know how to apply primer and I don't want to read about it on the Internet. The doors look like crap. I hate crap.
6th delay - me.
I can make this better - This is my life and I am the author. Nothing like a personal accomplishment to regenerate myself. I've been alone for over 9 years now. I can make it through today just like I have the last 3285. I've always been self sufficient and creative.
The difference today? I didn't want to be self-sufficient, creative or clever. I wanted someone to do it for me.
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Gave Up
I did squeak a couple of chores in this morning - that's at least progressing on something!
Have a fabulous Saturday - do what YOU love!
1 AM
Change clothes, drive to Walmart. There is a reason there are Walmarts and it is for a still not 47 year old woman, with puncture wounds on her A**, who is on a mission to paint a room before she sleeps.
Reason to have men in your life: (No ladies it isn't to paint the room for you) it is to keep you "occupied" on Friday night so the last thing on your mind is to paint a room.
Zoom zoom.
Friday, April 13, 2007
Get Ready To Laugh Your A** Off
11:00 pm. My iPod is blasting Bruce Springstein, Ricky Martin, Pink Floyd, really movin' stuff. I'm crawling around on a ladder. I'm being very careful as it is late and I'm alone. I'm coming off the ladder in a narrow doorway and manage to park my butt on two coat rack hooks.
Yes, folks I speared my butt right though my underpants and shorts. I have two puncture wounds - one on each cheek. (Fortunately the Vicky's underwear is still in tact - much better shape than my A**.) Now imagine further applying antiseptic to those spots. Try finding them in a mirror to apply the antiseptic. Yes, you're getting the picture.
So much for a serene yoga room - it's off to a great start - let me tell you.
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Roller Coaster Day
Work had a party for the April birthdays. It is always sweet (minus the confessions we always have to make). Cake, cookies, ice cream and flowers.
Flowers lead to memories, memories lead to math, math leads how much and how little. How little leads to pout. And here I am.
Well missy missy Sunshine says: It can only get better.
So I snuggled the cat, kicked my own backside, stomped out the pout and I'm getting on with it.
Wheeeeeeeeeee! (I ride roller coasters with my arms in the air!!!!!)
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
The Dress

Love This Quote!!!
-- Johann von Schiller
Monday, April 09, 2007
Sunday, April 08, 2007
Diana Does Vegas
We had a blast!
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
And...I've been seeking an answer to a question for nearly a decade and the answer was delivered to me on a silver platter last night. And in a couple of weeks I'll pass that insight along.
I cannot begin to articulate how at peace with the world I am today. (Although several people pointed it out.)
Monday, April 02, 2007
I used to walk, now I WALK.
Check it out!
On the upside - A bunch of us checked out the new Indian restaurant today for lunch. It was so new, the service was still unpracticed, but the food was AWESOME!
On the downside - I had a personal shocker at work today. Ouch. Talked it out. I'm still drifting. We'll find the stride - it's just going to take some practice.
On the 'oh crap' side - I went to make my dish for the party tomorrow and was one ingredient short. I hate midnight runs to the store.
On the upside - there's a party tomorrow!
On the upside - My daughter said the nicest thing to me tonight. Her words were comforting. She's got her first "his family" visit this weekend. :)
On the upside - The weekend is just down the road!
OK - the upside wins!
Sunday, April 01, 2007
The Weekend
I wondered often what SweetStuff was doing and I also thought about what happened. I had a few friends write/call. I didn't cry, but telling about how sweet it had been always made a catch in my voice, telling about now was just dull. Fortunately people know me well enough to know that the sweet was a milestone and they reminded me that "I still had it" (for what it's worth this day).
I blogged about Spain and emptied the bookstore. I walked eight miles this weekend - a good spring start.
I miss him. I do. I've been given no choice in this - no plan B. Press on sweetie - you always do.
12:05 AM April 1st
I said yesterday that April was going launch my new year. And here we are. Toot! Toot!
I have already completed three tearless days. (Ahead of my resolution already!)
Last night was another wine pairing at Chef's Table. Oh the food exceeded the one a few months ago! It even (sorry to say this out loud) exceeded the food from two weeks ago in Seattle. (Sheesh time flies). We were seated with a lively couple who I remember seeing at the last event.
The weather is lovely this weekend and I hope to get a few more miles in. And of with the girls!
I belive the weather report is calling for some Thunder next weekend.
Happy New Year everyone!