Friday, April 13, 2007

Get Ready To Laugh Your A** Off

It's Friday night. I had my Friday Starbucks, helped a friend clean his kitchen, got a bee up my bonnet to do a project. TONIGHT. (As if I don't already have one started that is four months in progress.) Anyway.....picture this:

11:00 pm. My iPod is blasting Bruce Springstein, Ricky Martin, Pink Floyd, really movin' stuff. I'm crawling around on a ladder. I'm being very careful as it is late and I'm alone. I'm coming off the ladder in a narrow doorway and manage to park my butt on two coat rack hooks.

Yes, folks I speared my butt right though my underpants and shorts. I have two puncture wounds - one on each cheek. (Fortunately the Vicky's underwear is still in tact - much better shape than my A**.) Now imagine further applying antiseptic to those spots. Try finding them in a mirror to apply the antiseptic. Yes, you're getting the picture.

So much for a serene yoga room - it's off to a great start - let me tell you.

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