I was the only person going up and only met a handful of people coming down. I didn't make it all the way to the falls. About 1/4 mile from the falls there was a snow field on the mountainside that covered the trail. It was too steep for me to take on my own. Where the trail might be there was ice. Where I stuck my poles to see if there was a trail - it was soft and the poles poked in but found no earth. If only I had thought to bring a shovel - LOL.
Here is a wrap-around view of the trail: http://rockymountainscenery.com/booth/booth1qtvr.html

Here you can see the various versions of "spring" depending on the altitude. Where I was taking the picture the trees had started to leaf out. The trees at the next level were just barely starting to bud. The trail description boasted meadows abundant with wildflowers. The day I was hiking was very warm, but it was one of the first of the season. The flowers weren't ready to show themselves.

There's a small airport in Eagle. The commercial planes are all prop jobs. I learned on this hike that as the planes come near the valley, the sound they make is similar to the low growl of a large cat. Fortunately there were some frolicking Partridges that helped check my overactive imagination.
Two hikes in two weekends YES!
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