Sunday, October 08, 2006

My Weekend

My first full empty nest weekend. Amazing! The entire yard is done, front and back - and the lawn is mowed (sorry neighbors - I had to do it on Sunday). The fireplace is clean. Wood is in the house. (OK winter - I'm ready). My projects and reports for work are caught up.

I bought the material for Heather's quilt. Now I just need to get the pieces cut. I was going to do that today - but I didn't get around to it.

My daughter called both yesterday and today, not too early in the morning, but early enough that one day I had still been asleep and another that I was just starting to move around. I've talked to my other daughter too. Nice. Perfect.

Tonight I'm going to do the rarest feat of all my world. Sit and watch TV. Imagine that.

1 comment:

Gina said...

Ah, sitting and watching TV is so nice once in awhile!

I can't wait for the empty nest party!