I woke up to heavy fog today. I can barely see the street down below and no more than a block in any direction. Seems appropriate for England eh? I love fog so I consider this my "white" Christmas.
My plans aren't exactly as I hoped, but not entirely dashed either.
I've got the crud that is going around the office. I have it bad. Fever, chills, sore throat, cough, sneezing, snot, lots of snot. I can't remember when I last slept 24 out of 48 hours.
But I have four days off and no where I have to be. I was so looking forward to Christmas Mass here this year. But as wicked as this bug is, it wouldn't be fair to share it with the other parishioners. I have two more Christmases to go. Perhaps before the weekend is over I'll be able to get some walks in.
Only one package made it from the States so my one foot tree is not overwhelmed. The last package I was waiting to get to the States arrived yesterday! We'll do our vid Christmas and enjoy the closeness we can make although spread out.
And then there's Boxing Day. Interesting history.
Happy Christmas achoo and Happy Boxing Day.
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