Saturday, April 29, 2006

Empty Nest

My youngest daughter graduated from college a couple of weeks ago. She and her son live with me. Empty nest emotions are setting in as I listen to her adventures of finding her "dream career". Her dream job will surely take here away from where we live. I'm not sad. I'm not a brooder. I've already started my list of "things to do".

I have a million things I have thought of doing when I "could just do them". I'll just have to methodically start working through it. This time of my life has been referred to in the past as "the golden years". I think it has always been thought of in the vein of sunsets, closure, downhill, aging. Me? I'm thinking "gold" as in "precious" and will work toward the goal of "platinum" as in "I'm not going to waste a single opportunity".

Here's to both of us.

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