My precious daughter - my continued lure to the Northwest, my hiking partner, the friendship we've forged now that I no longer need to "momma" her.
My dear, dear friend, Lenny, who, with his every word and action endears me to him more. It is beautiful to see him find peace in his work and his soul. He's like a piece of fine wood. As the surface and edges wear, the grain and finish become more defined and the Artist's vison emerges.
I met a wonderful musician who, just for knowing her, without listening to any of her work, I know I like it. She is lyrical without a song or instrument.
The party was fun, as usual. I finally had to leave to go back to Kitsap County, catch an hour cat nap and then my shuttle to the airport.
I did miles upon miles of hiking this weekend - probably 20 or so in all. I spent time with family and friends. I picniced and partied. I didn't sleep. I'm loved. I'm restored.

The fireworks photos are taken and pubished by the Seattle Times.
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