Thursday, July 20, 2006

Kids Say The Darnest Things

Two comments from my grandson that CANNOT go unblogged.

First Story. My grandson got his kindergarten shots today. Four of them. The nurses double team the kids to get it over quickly. His mom explained what was about to go down. "Will it make me stronger"? "Yes, it they will keep you strong and healthy". OK. Round one. No reaction. The nurses are surprised. Two down, two to go. Round two. "DAMN IT" "that hurt!". (Emphasis on "damn" and emphasis on "it"). That comment is so my mother :-)

Second story. My daughter and grandson live with me. I travel for my work. I'm often gone a week at at time and I take a shuttle to the airport so my car stays at home. I came home late at night from one recent trip and went in to the office early the next day. That next morning he looked out the window and exclaimed: "Look! Grandma's home - her car is gone!"

We put the FUN in dysFUNctional!!

1 comment:

Jules said...

The poor kid.

You know, along with that college fund, you might have W start socking away for a shrink. ;)

Love ya,
