Sunday, December 17, 2006


We got our first hugely SIGNIFICANT snowfall since I moved into this house. We've had snows, but they are hard to watch at night due to the area's lighting. Today, a Sunday, it snowed and snowed and snowed. I shoveled and shoveled and shoveled (love to do that). It is so beautiful!

I miss my daughter and grandson terribly today. Today is the type of day where we talked and played and watched movies and always had fun together as a family. Of all the people hanging around my house these days I couldn't get anyone to go sledding with me. So I went by myself.

I still have so much to do before Christmas. Almost every night is busy. I'm glad I went to Paris, but either I need to bag nice nice or just pull some late nights to get it done. Hard for me to bag nice nice. I like nice nice.

Sorry folks - this was supposed to be an upbeat post that turned gloomy. Hugs to everyone.

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