Sunday, September 28, 2008

Changing Seasons

I have gotten so much done this week. A full-on 100% relaxing vacation, fall house cleaning, fix-its that have been nagging me for a couple of years and I'm ready to go back to work too.

The mountains are blazing with orange leaves but it is still hot outside. I'm contented working on the inside right now. I missed the spring clean thing with working the project in Coeur d'Alene. Won't complain one iota on that though because the benefits of the whole opportunity far outweigh a dust bunny or two.

My focus now is getting ready for My Artist's visit and the reception. Still have a few vacation plans coming up here and there....this is turning out to be a magnificent fall. I'm really enjoying the we-thing too.

OK fine, this is a wonderful YEAR!

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