Here is a picture I took yesterday of a war memorial. I passed it again today. What struck me was the number of panels with the letters Mac at the top. The three shown here were not all of them. The other panels indicated A-C, C-E, etc. But the Mac's commanded five panels or more panels. I knew Mc's and Macs were indiginous to Scotland, but I did not realise the true concentration or sheer volume. Even at work, 1/3 of my trainees fall into that category. The rest, fall into most of the names I found very prevelent in the cemetery. See why I like cemeteries?
Pretty things:
Ice in the mud at the cemetery.
One other note about today. As I was walking past the castle, I noticed somthing sitting on the grass. There is a very steep slope from the castle grounds, down to the "Ladies Walk" running along the River Ness. It was a rabbit. A very BIG rabbit. Looking closer, there were about a half dozen (6) very big rabbits. By big, I mean Destiny-sized rabbits. We're talking 20 lb. bunnies.
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