Thursday, September 14, 2006

Sylvan Lake...Again

The extra fun of my Vail trip was being there at the peak of the fall color change. When I was there in the spring, the trees were just beginning to show a hint of green. Now, having gone through their season, I was witness to their vivid end-of-season color show.

We hiked Sylvan Lake after work. Dusk comes early in the fall in the mountains. We got to the park just as the sun dipped behind a mountain peak. Since I'd hiked the lake trail once before and having hiked in pitch blackness before, I felt we could do it without risk. And we did. It was pretty seeting it at dusk.

I'll post pictures when I get home. The lake was so still that the pictures I took are so symetrical that you can't tell the hillside from the water.

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