Wednesday, October 01, 2008

This Explains A LOT of Things

Part of my horoscope for October:

Mercury rules communication, commerce, thinking, perception, negotiation, and contracts, as well as electronics and all moving parts. The world spins on the very areas in life that Mercury rules. We need Mercury to be in top shape because if it is not, human interaction with the performance of computers and machines tend to go haywire, as counter-intuitive as that statement may sound.

On October 4, Venus and Jupiter will be in a lively conversation, sure to bubble up lots of fun. You may travel over this weekend; if so, you've chosen the perfect time to go. (Something seems to make you very happy about what do you this weekend.)

Speaking of your partner, it appears your significant other - a good friend - will bring you to a Halloween party and if so, you'll have one of the best Halloween parties EVER.

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