Saturday, February 21, 2009

Awesome Possum

Every Saturday I wake up groggy, thinking I might not go to yoga. Every Saturday I haul my groggy carcas out of bed and to the mat. And every Saturday I'm glad I did. And today was no exception. I go to my class, come home, pick up my grandson and go to the kid yoga class which lets me attend. Today in kid yoga the kids plopped into crow pose. And I asked Nick to choach me through it because it is one I've never been able to master. I did it. I did while the room applauded. Finally! (This isn't me in the picture - but it is the pose.)

Warm enough for the top to go down. No gloves or heater this year. Still a coat though.

Tonight I went to a party. My friend wasn't feeling well, but I went anyway. So glad I did. Met a lot of new people again. Hard being forced to go find new friends, but its OK - they're out there.

Good day. Tomorrow I cook. 12 people coming to dinner on Monday!

1 comment:

Elena said...

At first I thought the picture was you! There is no way I could get into that position! I'll stick with Jazzercise. Good for you for doing Yoga. I heard it's kinda hard. My back couldn't take it.