Sunday, February 08, 2009

Sweet Sunday

I cooked today. Rolled out of bed, down the stairs and cooked.

I baked about 7-8 dozen Monster cookies and froze another 5 dozen. I made Sunflower Seed/Wheat Bread.

I also cooked Thai today. Chicken Satay and Phad Thai. Yummy.

I've caught up with tons of people I want to school with. Amazing how we all turne dout.

And now I'm off to sleep.

It's been a fabulous weekend. I feel loved and cared for. One can't ask for more than that.


Elena said...

Love your new photo! I like your hair long.:)

Mama Durf said...

Chicken satay and phad thai - reminds me of art on the green!! Good times. miss you!

Teri said...

Thank you both. What wonderful friends you are! I hope you're both having wonderful V-days with those special men of yours!