Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Capacity of Love

No matter how much someone loves you (or you love them), the relationship will be limited by the capacity of each individual to love (verb - verb - verb) and be loved (verb - verb - verb).

Reality: the smaller the capacity the higher the limitations. The more limitations, the lower chance of success. Add the "to" and "be" dimensions as qualifiers, and well, good thing there's sex or who would even try eh? Add whether the sex is good or....nevermind.

I guess this can be a positive or a negative prospect depending on which patch of grass you're standing on - the green one or the pissed-all-over-yellow one. The key is finding someone that either matches, complements, or exceeds your limitations. Put a mirror to that and the naked reality is only "matches" or "complements" will win you the big white bear from the fun fair.

Everything else is just hurling darts at colorful balloons which are simply filled with air.

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