Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Flirting With Insanity

It's a damn good thing I schedule vacation every two weeks (or so it seems), because otherwise I'd be curled up in a ball in a very padded room in a barrack's like building somewhere in a high security area in the middle of nowhere.

This is my day:

I requested information for something due tomorrow eight weeks ago. Three weeks ago I reminded most that I would need it two weeks ago. Last week I begged most again to start/finish up before I left on vacation. Before I left on vacation I pleaded that the rest (most) finish up while I was gone. I'm back and MY part is due tomorrow. Do you think I have what I need? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Most of it, but not enough.

My friend's toddler called me three times this afternoon - that was funny.

A co-worker sent me congratulations card about my employment anniversary (I'm seriously considering a career change today) that was a half naked man doing cartwheels. The only person to have done so, but the half naked man was a little out of character.

I have literally had to track down employees today and where they were last week, and, and, and...guess what? They were supposed to be at work and weren't. When did this become acceptable? I have to come to work, I have to tell someone when I can't. Notice I did not say "don't" or "won't".

A person said they sent something to someone, someone says they got something else and when I question it - I get a response that makes it look like I'm the Christmas fruitcake.

I asked a co-worker, in less than a one line email, for some information for a customer. He didn't respond overnight and wasn't scheduled today until 4:00. Did he show up at work at four? No. And the one line item is for a customer overseas so that means it will be Friday before I can do what I needed to do yesterday.

And this was only the FUN stuff!

I'm going dancing and shake the crazy right out my.........

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