Saturday, March 31, 2007


One of my daughters called me a few weeks ago complaining about March. "Mom, March used to be a fun month - it was only our birthdays and it was fun. I don't like it anymore!". I tried to cajole her, but she's right.

March held her and her sister's birthdays and her dad's. It held my wedding anniversary for over a decade. Now her father and step dad have passed away, the latter in March. What before was always the promise of spring is now viewed as the extention of winter.

Add to it this year the disolving (how else can I describe it) of my relationship with SweetStuff to nothing (SUCKS).

It snowed a lot this week.

Today ends March. Tomorrow begins April. April always seems to stay buoyant - perhaps because of my birthday. Every year I'm gladder and gladder that I am and that I am who I am. Bless the bumpy ride getting here - I'm here!

So I'm officially starting 2007 tomorrow.

Looking back I had a hellava last year: A promotion, making it to the top of Timpanogos, hiking galore, Paris, Seattle, Denver and a host of other wonderful places, two new grandbabies, had an unforgettable love affair.

Travel, challenge and love - what more could one ask for!

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