Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Should My Rose Colored Glasses Be Dislodged

Sounding bitter she says (she knows it's just shadowboxing the pain) the reality is - I won't miss the absences which began to outnumber the presences. I won't miss the heartache of the "I'll call you"'s and didn'ts. I won't miss the silence of waiting or the weekends alone. The exotic getaway plans, which not once materialized, will no longer make me wish.

We connected so deeply on so many levels - I just wish we'd been given the gift of preserving it.

When we were connected it was spectacular - when the the twilight, then darkness, overtook our relationship it was dark and cold and very very empty.

I don't regret, not for one second, the time we've had - I was introduced to new levels of love I've not known before. For now though, the contrast s very striking, and difficult to maneuver through gracefully and without a box of tissues within reach at all times.

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