Sunday, June 29, 2008

The Project

When I was in Oregon last month I saw some art pieces at my friend's brother and sister-in-law's house that I fell in love with. The artist happened to be a friend of theirs. They gave me a website and email address. I studied his work. I wrote to him.

And he wrote back. And I responded. And he responded. Etc., etc.

I may need to get a couple more jobs before I'm done, but he is going to do a custom piece over the fireplace...that big expanse (the size of Montana) that goes up to the 2nd level.

It will bring my love of nature and mist and mystery into a permanent display into my wonderful home.

I'll ask him to take pictures as he works - it will be more momentous than The Wall.

With his work and my brother's - I'll have an art gallery of my own.

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