Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Gotta Love Chocolate

Every now and then I take an inventory of myself. Where I've been, where I'm going, what paths I'm charting next. It isn't always viajar (travel) it is often just trying to make sure I'm staying on course to be the right "Teri".

In preparing for my Spain trip, I often think of those who dragged me through forests and up mountains and made me get my passport without knowing where it (or me) was going.

I sent off a "thanks" for the latter the other day. Here's part of the response:

"Can't take credit for your wanderlust. That'd be like me taking credit for introducing your taste buds to chocolate simply because I shared a memorable piece of it with you, i.e. it was within you all the while."

Well, OK, fine then, be that way: Thanks for the BOX of chocolates!

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