Wednesday, July 04, 2007

The Vortex of Nostalgia

I wish I could diagram my thought patterns the last few days and especially today. I'm going to try. Imagine little Jeffrey from Family Circus wandering all over the entry :)

Jules was here last week - I worked with her at the Times - Seattle. She moved to Denver. Much of my family is in Denver - they all know her. She met all my Utah family. We both worked with Pat - he's part of the Utah family now. Mike died last week. Julie, Pat and I all worked for Mike (in fact all of our guest book entries are stacked up on top of each other). From other guest book entries I've been in touch with three people I used to work with in Seattle. It's the 4th and I usually am in Washington on this day hanging out at Lenny's house. Lenny and I were close friends when I worked in New Media at the Times (my 2nd hire back at The Times, by Mike). I usually see about half a dozen Timer's from one era or the other at this event. I'm usually hiking in the Olympics this week too :( I caught up with Dwight this week - he knows all these Seattle people too and most of the Denver family.This exchange opened up a flood of memories back to 1983-1984. He knew Robert and Ken and he knew my mother. He's my kids' Godfather. He was in and out and very in and very out of my life for nearly a quarter of a century now. He was Denver, Seattle, San Francisco, Amsterdam, LA, Las Vegas, Santa Barbara, Fatima, Portugal. He's the beach on Christmas, cribbage in Post Alley, Nintendo at midnight, mid-flight proposals, Trader Joe's, the guitar-playing skater at Santa Monica beach, "the stork", Snug Harbor and Issey Miyake. And always and still today - my cheerleader!

It really makes me wonder if there's a big yellow bus gunning for me today. My life seems to be flashing before my eyes. But it goes back to a theme I often blog - I am so happy to be me. And I'm grateful to all the people who participated in that effort. I'm glad for a day like today where I can sit in my chair, cover a thousand miles of time, and not lift a toe.

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