Monday, July 09, 2007

House Stuff

Finally! The table and chairs have been assembled and finally, I took pictures of the WALL!

Table and Chairs - Louise came over tonight to help me. God Bless IKEA - it was simple as pie and I could have done it alone. was way fun with two to assemble. Then Diana called and asked if she and Blaine could join us. Heck, yeah - the more the merrier. Blaine held stuff and torqued a couple of obstinate bolts. What a blast. And here's what I have now :)

Now - for THE WALL. Remember this started out as a New Years weekend project. And turned almost into a remodel. Here is the fruit of my efforts.
Several wonderful things happened with this project. One it's 99% done. I did it myself. Louise and Randi (her idea in the first place) both told me how to do it and left me to learn. It's great fun (loaded with Spanish right now). My grandson loves it. This was my very first ever household project. (My last house I didn't do a thing to it.)

It still doesn't have the chair rail, but one of these days, when I don't have a thousand things going on and have an extra set of arms around again - it will be done.

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