Saturday, February 23, 2008

Get Over It

I was grumpy this morning. I didn't grump AT anyone, but in my head, nobody could do much of anything right. Being conscious of it though, makes all the difference in the world.

I ran my plethora of errands and then retreated to my kitchen. Out poured my grumpies: Tomato soup, Indian curry, quiche, breakfast bars so succulent they could be served as dessert, chowder and the clementine cake. It's late and I have the final round to start. The two things left have to be made today or their flavors will not have set tomorrow. Total time in the kitchen 9 hours.

Harley Dude was on line tonight - sweet man. He offered to turn my frown upside down. LOL. I do owe him dinner as he helped Wendy out with getting her job. He's contented with Rice Krispy treats so it'll be easy when I do.

Tonight at dinner I was telling my daughter that Mom never cooked. She said hers never did either......until now. Yeah, my excuse was because I was too busy raising a smart ass.

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