Friday, February 15, 2008

So Many Queries

Yes! Valentine's Day was good! (I reserve GREAT for last year - it still holds its rank ;-)~

I'll start at the end of the and move backwards.

End of day, spent some time chatting with Dude. Maybe more to come on this subject, maybe not. Time will tell.

Talked with my girlfriend on the phone. She was traveling and we had stories to tell!

Had a Ball. Literally. I went to the Provo Library ball with some friends of mine. Their motto (my words) "no friend left behind" [on Valentine's Day]! What newlyweds take their single friend with them on Valentine's Day? They do.

Work was a blast. We had our soup lunch for Sub For Santa. I managed, after some forced taste testing of the Carrot Ginger Soup, to only get away with a cup of remaing soup. I spent much of today copying the recipe for everyone. I will post it on Oh-Oh this weekend.

I received nearly a dozen emails and IM's from some of my long time male friends. Guys - you certainly know how to make a girl feel special. (She says as she gives her hair a toss!)

Special cards and gifts from the girlfriends -we girls have to stick together!

And the very best of all was the e-card and hug from SweetStuff. It was the perfect card for me. It swelled my heart and quelled my worry of how we'd get through the day. We did just fine.

Yes, yes, it was a good day! And I'm grateful for that.

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