Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Boys vs. B.O.B.

Rated R++

There is some folly in having your adult daughter living with you. You really learn what you taught that got through their thick flouncy pointed little heads during their childhood and adolescence.

My daughter and I watched half a movie (we both got IMs and calls that eventually distracted us), did our respective Christmas cards (mine voted most cool). She tried to stick her stinky feet under my nose.

We also got into a debate on whether real men or B.O.Bs were the best way to feel fulfilled in this life. Me, I prefer real men. They bring so much more to the party - the permanent imprint of cologne, coffee in the morning, touch, cuddles, passionate kisses. B.O.B is efficient, hopefully doesn't smell, and takes direction well.

B.O.B. requires little attention and won't walk out the door. Boys cling, boys flee, boys elate you, boys break you.

I'll accept the odds to experience the heat, touch and the scent for my playdate - thank you very much.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am kinda "dense", I couldn't at first figure out why you rated this post R++. Had to complete a Google search on B.O.B.

(you get such interesting results when you search:


no wonder Bob the Builder was so popular).

I digress, the fact is: Men need Women, Women... can cope.