Sunday, August 26, 2007

Weekend End

It's 9:00 pm and I'm heading to bed.

The work work did not get done. I can go in early and tough it out.

What did get done was enjoying the capricious weather, uber cleaning, updating my iPod with some music D sent me, exchanging emails, downloading a movie to take along and thinking about my brother, girlfriend and daughter.

I talked with my girlfriend for awhile tonight. She's got hashmarks on her hospital room whiteboard noting the "Days Served". Six days left until she's out of the "major woods" and into the "woods". Oh and she hates the hot pink poodle costume I sent for her soon-to-arrive daughter. I told her she can't be a red crayon her first Halloween it just isn't right. She said she's going to have to have a long talk with the girl about her "special" Aunt Teri.

So today was comuning and thinking about those I love and tomorrow will be work. Sounds like I finally got it right.

1 comment:

Jules said...

HATE is such a strong word. I can't say I hate it, but it IS awful. HA!

I'll post a picture over on my blog at, and we'll let your readers do the voting! :)

Love ya,
