Wednesday, August 29, 2007

In Case Of Emergency

My friend Louise is supporting (unwaveringly) my trip and but she is beginning to turn her lip under when discussing my imminent departure. So.....being the friend that I am...... I have made her an emergency Teri Kit to help her get through it. If the separation anxiety gets the best of her, she can break it open and indulge.

Barry Manilow Greatest Hits CD
Corks from my two favorite red wines
My teal tiara
A pack of tissues
An early Christmas present
My favorite book about Paris (Happy Birthday to us!)
A stinky sock (so she knows what she's REALLY missing)
A scallop shell (symbol of the Camino)
A picture taken of us at Pat's Christmas party
And a mild "MEN!" greeting card (we don't man bash!)
Dark chocolate (or the closest facimile I could find on short assembly)
My ring and its magic yellow egg for safekeeping. (The bunny stays home.)
THE share bear
I'm-missing-her-too-but-don't-want-to-think-about-it air.

And I implore Team Teri to keep her IMd, emailed, Sushi Tuesday'd, wined, dined and otherwise distracted until I return.


Anonymous said...

Dear Louise - As utah gets too chilly, burn the Manilow CD. Use the dirty sock as kindling. I hope the early Christmas present was wine, cuz there's nothing like getting schnockered to magnify one's misery. Better than the rest, you'll be able to relate to Teri when you clean the kittys' litter boxes, in harmony with the sheep caves in which Teri will be sleeping.

She sent me a shoebox I'm honor-bound to keep sealed until her departure. Lord knows what's in there, but twasn't heavy enuff for wine and she'd BETTER know that I'd sail a Manilow CD farther than the Olympic discus record.

And, as Jules says 'inquiring minds wanna know,' I wanna know who is WAVERINGLY supporting Teri's trip. C'mon outta the woodwork, you half-bents, you faithless goons, you spiritual buzz-kills!

~~The Dwidget

Teri said...

re: The Christmas present, related, accessory, but not "the goods". She has better taste in wine than I do anyway.

Jules said...

I was wavering in my support for her trip, until the Pink French Poodle Incident of '07.

Now I unwaveringly support her decision to leave the country for at least 5 weeks, especially since now I know that Louise of all people (no offense Louise) got the tiara.

I need some time to cool off! ;)


Teri said...

Bye bye birdies - take care of each other for me. Love you!

Anonymous said...

I burst out laughing at the top-of-list Barry Manilow CD! So like Teri; looks like I'll have plenty to keep me from getting too lonely!